
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Persuasive Writing Sample

It is wrong to fight

“It is wrong to fight.” That is the statement that we have been told all of our life and frankly I somewhat disagree. Humans have spent years upon years fighting, over land, over people, over food, over everything. Do I think that we shouldn’t fight? No, I think that in times of need and injustice we have to fight. Let me just make it clear what I mean by fight, fight means fighting both verbally and physically.

We as humans fight all the time, every minute of every day, when you wake up late and your Mum or Dad yells at you and you bite back, when you aren't paying attention in class and the teacher gives you a long lecture about life and you just roll your eyes. Just the small things that can get you annoyed and you feel the urge to just fight back, but then you remember what your parents would say “It is wrong to fight” and then you're back to keeping your anger deep down. Now I'm not saying rebel against your family's rules, I’m asking that if we keep bottling up that anger when someone attacks us verbally or physically, what could happen? Will we just one day pop and start fighting in a bad way that hurts others. So we have to think about the times that it is okay to fight and to not.

If someone disrespects something you believe in or something you think is right, then you can verbally fight. Of course I don’t mean fight someone just because they don’t think the same as you, I mean if they are really disrespecting your opinion. If someone is hurting you physically, you have the right to fight back, but if someone is doing nothing wrong and you decide to hurt or fight them, that's where I would draw the line. Fighting someone verbally or physically for no apparent reason is just morally wrong. Would you start throwing hands at someone for your own convenience?

If we just keep bottling up our opinions and how we feel, it can cause people to become insecure and not confident enough to share their ideas, which could make it hard to do a lot of things in life. But like I said before, you don’t have to fight with someone every time someone has a different opinion, just when it is needed.

In conclusion, fighting is only necessary in the right circumstances. So what do you think about the statement “It is wrong to fight?”


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